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Cylinder Boring

At LaBaron's Power Sports, our machine shop can bore steel-lined cylinders, up to 101 mm in bore diameter. Our cylinder boring and precision honing services can repair your worn or damaged cylinder to like-new condition. The experience we have in engine machining and building will guarantee the correct clearances required for your specific application, that will in-turn provide you with a reliable engine.


Work Order Form

Cylinder Boring Pricing

  • $139.00 - Bore and hone each cylinder
  • $25.00 - Hone only each cylinder
  • $40.00 - Additional if boring exceeds 2 mm
  • $44.75 - Remove and replace studs
  • $44.75 - Scrap gaskets off cylinder
  • $89.50 - Service power valves

More Information on Cylinders

LaBaron's Power Sports offers full service cylinder boring on 2 and 4 stroke ATV, dirt bike, side by side and snowmobile engines with steel-lined cylinders. Proper cylinder to piston clearance is critical to engine life, so don't take it for granted. Let our machine shop measure and evaluate your cylinder before you slap a piston back in! Most modern cylinders are plated with Nikasil Plating. If your cylinder has Nickle-Silicon-Carbide (Nikasil) plating check out our Nikasil Replating page. Excessive piston to cylinder clearance or cylinder out of round/taper will cause the following:

  • Piston skirt fatigue and eventually piston failure
  • Poor ring sealing and ultimately poor performance
  • Excessive engine noise
  • Oil contamination (4-cycle engines)
  • Oil consumption (4-cycle engines)

Nearly any worn out, out of round, or tapered cylinder can be easily repaired by boring the cylinder to specification, chamfering the transfer ports and exhaust ports (2 cycle engines), and diamond honing to specific tolerances. Don't chance it, let our technicians perform this procedure on your cylinder to guarantee proper clearance and ring sealing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the average turn around time?

A: Once we receive your cylinder it can take 2-3 weeks depending on our work load.

Q: What size piston should I get?

A: We recommend .020 (0.50 mm) over increments.

Q: Do I need to remove the head studs, dowels, intake, etc.?

A: It's not required but you will be charged a small fee for us to do it in house

Q: What is the smallest and biggest size you can bore a cylinder?

A: 45mm is the smallest and 101mm is the largest we can bore due to the size of our boring bar.